A few words from Dr. Ewa (from Elise's memorial)

Created by Ewa 8 years ago
Anne and I wanted to say a few words about Elise on behalf of our Victoria Oncology Clinic staff.

A few years ago, when Elise was in the prime of her grumpy teen phase, all you would get out of her was “meh”. How are you Elise? “meh”. What’s new Elise? “meh”. How’s school Elise “meh”. We always laughed about the “mehs” and thought of them as classic Elise. As the years rolled on, we were privileged to watch Elise blossom into an incredible young woman, wise beyond her years, and actually quite chatty!

It was a true honour to get to know Elise and to be a part of her journey. Elise taught us all so much. She taught us about Doctor Who, about dog grooming, about jewelry making… Most importantly she taught us about courage, strength, and determination. Elise fought an incredible fight against cancer, and was an amazing advocate for herself. Thanks to Heidi for these words: “She was not a passive partaker but a powerful participant in her life and in her care”. She knew what she wanted and what she didn’t want, and she wasn’t afraid to say it.

We all agree that Elise gave the best hugs. Squeezy hugs as my husband would call them, as compared with pat pat hugs. We all felt so special to give and receive these, especially during the really hard times.

Clinic is now so quiet without Elise and Laurel in it. They chatted up a storm and had the most interesting energetic conversations. One of my favourites was a heated debate about the differences between Hershey kisses bought in Canada and those bought in Grand Cayman – down to the waxiness, the shape of the curl on top, and the delicate taste differences. Quoting Heidi again: “The air was full and bright and bubbly when Elise was in the room”. She came a long way from “meh”!!

I cannot speak about Elise without mentioning and acknowledging her amazing family. Laurel, Peter and Jamie – you were all such a safe harbor in Elise’s stormy journey. You were incredible supports to your beautiful daughter. We were in awe of your love, laughter and admirable honesty with each other. We all have such immense gratitude that you let us be a part of your circle of love that surrounded Elise and continues to surround her memory.

I will always think of Elise when I see the colour purple. I will remember her fondly when I see a snow globe. When I cook or paint or sail I will think of the times I shared with Elise doing these things. I feel so grateful we had these moments outside of the hospital. I will aim to be more courageous in my everyday life, to advocate more for myself and for others, and to enjoy each day to it’s fullest. When times are tough, I will imagine myself basking on my beach in a bottle made by Elise, and channel her strength.

Darling Elise, you were greatly loved and you will be greatly missed.